Curated customer experiences for your bid team, so they make the leap from what they want to say to what the customer wants to hear.
We stand in the shoes of your client to see what your client sees.
We will then assist you and tell you how to improve your written submission and Interactive presentation skills to increase your chances of winning the contract.
Estimates from bid teams using this process are that they improved their likelihood of winning by at least 20%.
Achieved through a simultaneous four-part process centred around ‘in role’ dress rehearsals for customer interactives and evaluation of your draft bid documents
Four-Part Process
Straightforward, reflecting back to your team on messages received and likely impact.
Marking sheets generated by meticulous analysis of customer bid documentation, based on real-life experience.
Direct feedback to effect a change from technical experts to authentically compelling presenters.
Creative direction of the presentation, collateral/props, and team dynamics to maximise marks and WIN.
All members of the Shadow Tender Evaluation Team contribute across all four elements, to varying degrees. Each brings a unique and complementary skillset and role to the performance and together they have a track record of WINNING.
Let’s Work Together
We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and one of team will contact you about beginning the proposal process.