What we do…
We stand in the shoes of your client to see what your client sees.
We tell you how to improve your written submission and Interactive presentation skills to increase your chances of winning the contract.
Estimates from bid teams using this process are that they improved their likelihood of winning by at least 20%.
• Be successful: Winning Pitch has developed a two-pronged system centred around a bespoke marking sheet generated for your tender that simulates the client’s likely approach to marking (based on the RFP) to improve your scores in both your written submission and performance in Interactives. Winning Pitch focuses on reflecting feedback to your bid team to improve your score. If you score higher than your competitors, you will win.
• Be involved: You will be invited to nominate one or two people from your organisation/consortium (or appropriate independents) to participate with Winning Pitch throughout the process. These people will need to know your client so that Winning Pitch has the best chance of mirroring your client’s behaviours.
• Be confronted: This is not for the fainthearted. Only engage us if you are committed to winning. Our feedback is honest, direct, and often confronting. This level of straightforward feedback is not usually given by your clients in post-tender sessions - but it will mirror what your clients actually think, and how they will score you.
• Be prepared: You will lose some control of your bid preparation process and some of your team will resist that. It will also involve extra work and pressure on your bid team. Pushback may occur!
• Be better: Bid teams using this system refer to marked improvements in the way they prepare their written submission and show up at Interactives. Clients have told teams we worked with that they won by the way they respond in Interactives. Individuals who really embrace the process refer to it as the best professional development experience of their career.